Welcome to MacDF! This program is designed to automate the preparation of a simple, one-page Disposition Form (DA Form 2496) used in the United States Army.
MacDF consists of a word processor used to create the body of the DF, and a series of dialog boxes to garner the information you wish to put in the heading: Office Symbol, Subject, To addresses, etc. The program will automatically add the lines and boxes found on pre-printed forms. The printer needs only a blank sheet of paper.
MacDF conforms as closely as possible to the basic requirements for preparing a DF, as defined in AR340-15. However, this program is in no way connected to the Department of the Army or any other governmental agency.
MacDF follows the Macintosh User Interface standards. Among those features found in this program are the ability to use any font from your system file; standard cut, copy, and paste commands; the ability to paste text copied from another word processor such as MacWrite or Microsoft Word; the ability to view multiple DF's at one time; and the ability to Undo various typing and editing commands. Furthermore, you may view the Clipboard at any time; print from either the ImageWriter or LaserWriter; and view the program on any size screen. MacDF uses all standard Macintosh editing methods, including automatic wrap-around and functioning arrow keys. What you see on the screen is what you get when the documents prints, including the DF titles and format lines. The program is MultiFinder-friendly. MacDF will work on any Macintosh with 512K or more memory. All desk accessories that I have been able to test work with MacDF.
This is a demo copy of MacDF. It has full functionality, but cannot save or print a document. You are encouraged to try it out, and copy it for distribution to others. Should you wish to actually use MacDF, send a check for $25 to the FROM address above. The cost doesn't really enrich the program's writer, but rather pays for various expenses (such as licenses from Apple) incurred in the program's production.
Once you have registered as a MacDF user (which occurs when you order MacDF), you are entitled to several benefits. The first of these is that I will send you a customized copy of MacDF, which will always start up to show your own Signature Block, Office Symbol, etc. You will also receive free updates. Planned updates include the ability to go beyond one page, the implementation of user-changeable defaults, and the ability to handle more complex DF's.
MacDF was developed using MacApp. MacApp and its code are copyrighted by Apple Computer, Inc. The MacApp software is proprietary to Apple Computer, Inc., and is licensed to the writer for distribution only for use in combination with MacDF. Apple Computer makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding this product, including warranties with respect to its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose.